“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

Are you experiencing blocks to love? Perhaps you have been inactive in your current loving relationships or drawing potential partners that seem to be incapable of fulfilling your needs or desire for love.

Even though you may have been hurt in the past, let down, betrayed, and perhaps even abandoned... all these events happen to everyone at some point in life by someone they love, including to the one you love. Without these "love experiences" we wouldn't learn what is good for us, or bad for us or be able to discern what inspires our BEST. We learn what you need in your life at 20 may not be what you need at 40.

If you reflect on your past love experiences you can begin to see a thread of how much you were loving yourself in that time. In fact, if you were to sit and write down the names of those important loved ones who hurt you so long ago, and how they hurt you... you will find you were looking to fulfill a need that you were not providing for yourself or perhaps you saw a mirror of how badly you thought of yourself at that time.The fact is we change, our needs change and the closest people in our lives will always reflect to some degree how we really feel about ourselves, it's a natural process. Unfulfiilling relationships are always a call to love our selves more. If you don't answer the call to self-love, you could end up depending on one person to fulfill most your needs and desires for love and will be needing a new partner often.

You must always pursue your potential for self-love before you can make changes in the "love department". When you allow yourself to love you, and nurture you, and fulfill your desire for love,... you not only validate your existence but you come to a place of self-acceptance and when you do that you become confident, your self worth and self-esteem escalate. When you are confident and loving yourself you will draw healthy self-fulfillng loving individuals to you. Like attracts like!

When you begin the pattern (which is sometimes learned or handed down from parents or caretakers) of relying on others to fill that void for love, you are giving way too much power to someone over you. Eventually you look to gain permission to be loved from them or from anyone in your life. When you give away this much power, it is often difficult to break free of the pattern and the individuals who enjoy having so much power and control over you and your life. But once you do break away from the pattern (and let's not forget you participated in this arrangement) your need for their permission and approval to be you, simply disappears.

When you can take responsibility for owning your own share of love, by self-loving, you will begin to attract those who can see you for who you are and so it becomes your authentic energy that draws those who can and will love you for you instead of being drawn by your need to be saved of the perpetual lack of self-love.

Because you may have experienced learning about love the hard way, you may be holding onto some anger and resentments from those experiences today... on an unconscious and/or conscious level. Believe it or not those resentments are taking up energy and space in your being. When you can acknowledge where you've been, how you have participated, and decide to let go of the grudge or hurt feelings,... you free up energy and space within your life for something new and current to come in that will match your new self-loving and free energy.

So many people today have been wanting to put the law of attraction into place so they can create something new in their lives but I tell you.... resentments take up a LOT of room and energy and when you are all filled up on the past,... how can you create and hold something new on a higher level? What you attract is in direct resonance of what you hold.. what you are .. the energies you carry; If you are carrying resentments (even if you don't feed those resentments every day) you are still holding onto an energy of yesterday's moment that will hinder today's moments.

Only YOU have the ability to release the old energy and embrace the present with the desire to create something new for yourself. You have to be whole-heart-intentioned ready to do that, and there is no shame in honoring your process if it is not today; But you CAN begin to make changes today that will help lead you to that place of inner-resolve for your better tomorrow. You can start loving yourself right now.. right out of this old pattern and claim your love and use it fill the rest of your life!

To begin that process of "moving energy" you may want to try this brief simple meridian tapping method. If you are not aware of the EFT Tapping points and what EFT is please click on this link that will explain the process, (further down the page are the tapping point charts) . http://www.illuminatingspirit.com/services/eft.html

Each and every time you tap you are taking responsibility for change in your life, positive change that you can be proud of. Honor your process and trust your feelings... they will always tell you what you have been holding onto, and what you have been holding onto has taken up energy and space to dwell in your being and ultimately in your life. Change begins with you!

If you ready to tap begin by tapping the karate chop point and say aloud:

"Even though I may be holding onto resentments about love I can deeply accept myself"

"Even though I may be holding onto resentments about love I can acknowledge and love myself very deeply" "Yes I Can"

"Even though I may want to hold onto hurts of the past in regards to love, I can forgive myself for continuing to hurt myself with the memory of those moments"

"I now give myself permission to access those hurtful moments so I can clear them from my being"

"I now give myself permission to gently release the storage of old hurts from my body mind and heart"

Now gently rub the thymus area or the two spots just under the collarbone in direct line with your breast area with both hands.... and say:

"I now allow myself to access these hurts and release them from my being with my full permission to release on all levels, I am safe to release these hurts and resentments... and so it is"

while rubbing....Take a deep breath and release the breath and drop your hands. Allow yourself to acknowledge any feelings or thoughts that may surface for a moment.

Begin tapping again with the Karate chop and say:

"I choose now to honor all of my experiences with love"

"I now choose to accept all my choices to love and my decisions to love and grow through love"

"I realize there are no mistakes worth punishing myself over"

"I choose to love myself deeply while accessing all my thoughts of love from any and all time"

Take a deep breath and rub under collar bone area with both hands

Begin tapping in any place you feel inspired to tap for however long you feel you need ... Or... tapping 6-8 taps on one meridian point.

Now say:

"I choose to love myself through every lesson of love I've been honored to grow through"

"I fully and completely release any deep seated unconscious fear from my heart"

"I forgive myself for buying the illusion that I should fear love, the fear was never mine to own"

"I forgive those who taught me to fear love"

"I forgive the handed down consciousness that has affected my love such as bullying, hitting, beatings, rejection, abandonment, non-acceptance, no love, cold, lack of affection, unable to speak, seen and not heard, invisible, alone, isolated, wrong, not good enough, strange, no attention, (say anything you feel resonates with you)

"I forgive myself for feeding the consciousness of fear in love with those I love"

"I can forgive those who brought me my strongest lessons in love and release them now fully from any anger or resentment I've held them in"

"I give myself permission to fully and completely release all obstacles to knowing and owning the power of my own deep true loving consciousness"

"I free myself from any and all bonds of anger with anyone who has hurt me or I have hurt out of ignorance"

I forgive and release all unholy and negative soul-ties, promises, agreements and pacts I couldn't and didn't keep with others, from any and all time and I claim that I am NOW FREE and clear in the holy name of my Creator"

"And so it is that I am free"

"I am Free"

"I am free to be the child of love my Creator (God) intended me to be"

"And so it is"

Rubbing collarbone area take a deep breath.... and release.

Begin tapping anywhere or... start from the crown of head all the way down to karate chop and say:

"I am Love"

"My Creator loves me"

"I now choose to love myself first"

"I deeply love and accept myself for who I am"

"I look forward to loving me in all the ways I need to be loved"

"I deserve to fill up on loving me and sharing in all loving experiences that inspire my best"

"I open my heart to new experiences of love and I choose to make loving and being loved, EASY"

"I am safe to love and receive love"

"I now discern myself worthy of love as simply being alive means I am good enough to receive and share in divine love and goodness"

"I allow my subconscious mind to know that I choose love in it's highest expression to surround me at all times"

"I choose to now participate in loving myself and others from the deep well of spiritual love that I have full access to every moment of the day"

"It is my birthright to love and be loved, I shine the light of my heart through my temple and out in-through the world for all to baske in"

"I claim my right to be love, to shine with love, and to own the power of my love over every aspect of my life for the betterment of my souls experience, and the betterment of all living beings"

"I am drawn to all those who love naturally and freely, those who love themselves and who are capable of loving me"

"My love unfolds naturally, I allow my heart to experience good deep fulfilling love and loving relationships"

"I trust my heart to experience deep love for myself and for others who allow me to love them, may my love add to the dissolving of all the fear in the world, AMEN"



"Thank You God"


Rubbing just under the collarbone with both hands saying



Take a deep breath and ....... release

Allow yourself to experience your process and take in any and all good feelings you may have in this moment.... anchor them by intensifying your good feelings to expand throughout your entire being at the highest level you can access.

Repeat as desired :-)

In the future you could add any words you feel would honor your personal experience, just flow with and trust your process.

As you process during the tapping sequence you may experience crying, yawning, laughing, coughing, belching, gassiness are all part of the release process that you may or may not experience and whatever your process is, it's okay. It's okay to release. Give yourself time, you deserve it.

You may feel or experience changes right away or over the next three days.

If you like this tapping, or would like to set up an appointment for EFT with me
please email me at samanthapaitakis@gmail.com

*in no way is this tapping meant to be a substitute for any medical treatment you may be undergoing and is only meant to address the underlying energetic cause that may contribute to a plethora of mental/physical/emotional maladies.

Be well,

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