If you have been following the trend of 2012 prophesies in the media and on the internet for the past year you might be concerned of what to expect. Some say the end of the world is near and some say the end of the world as we know it... will occur by the end of 2012.

Even though so many world changes are already occurring all over the world right now, it is important to remember that change is a natural event. We have all chosen to be here at this very special time and have everything we need to fulfill our purpose. As it might appear, we are not just here to have a good time without contributing something to every thing.

I know I will be bringing in this New Year with a higher unity consciousness. I believe the changes this year will present opportunities for people to come together and be more aware of how their single life makes a big difference and is necessary in our global community. I believe this new year will highlight old secrets (information that has been hidden from all by rulers and governments) as they surface out into the light of truth... and that truth will allow our further creative progression in the way of technology and healing of our species in new ways; This will also change our food situation considerably.

By the end of 2012 I see people living in new homes and modified old homes that are more like a mini natural self-sustaining eco-system without power lines and such. I am aware that there may be places like this now, but this reality will become more widespread all over the world. I see the use of plants and trees strategically placed as part of the design and for food.. indoors and out. I see bartering and community sharing on the rise.

I see medicines are home-grown and there is less of a need for them due to some type of implanted object that restructures the antibodies to ward off certain frequencies.

Technology will make it easy for people to share natural resources as those big corporations and the wealthy who monopolize resources today will not be able to maintain their job-security. In fact, most of those who are already planning to secure their "individual" wealth will be devastated as they see lose control of everything. The value of money will decline as the need for someone to share their know-how increases, hence we begin relying on each-other as part of the whole demonstrated in the material physical plane.... and this is a result of the recent uprising of religious and spiritual accumulation that will now become activated on the Earth. This time is about "GLOBAL" awareness, the refining of global consciousness and how the self fits into the whole, and the evolution of the whole of all living beings including the planet.

As above so below.

I pray you make this time one of conscious effort. Trust your instincts and live in a way that you feel sustains your life in a good ... and most of all, do not lead your life from a place of fear. Fear will not serve you well. Raise your consciousness and lead from your authentic self as it is there that you will find your deepest conviction and truth; that truth is your part in the whole of creation.

Many Blessings to You and Yours in this New Year!


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