
What is Synchronicity?

According to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary the:

Definition of SYNCHRONICITY is:

1: the quality or fact of being synchronous

2: the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality —used especially in the psychology of C. G. Jung

Divine intelligence pervades every single atom and sub atomic particle in this universe. Everyone is made up of the same “stuff” and capable of experiencing synchronistic events. Because we ‘exist’ we are part of a universal consciousness and we participate within that consciousness. As participants we are naturally, subconsciously, inclined to know all forces that surround us at all times; some would call this being “psychic” but being part of a consciousness with all that exists is organic to our very nature. “No-thing” is hidden from or lacking within our true nature. When we allow ourselves to create events where our true nature can freely express itself, we sync into a natural alignment where synchronistic events become commonplace.

A big part of the reason one may not be continually experiencing synchronistic events on a conscious level of their reality is because the “ego” self gets in the way. The ego part of us wants to identify with images and labels that create realities (or illusions) that will protect the identity or self-projected image in an Earthly material way; this projected image creates an experience of safety or protection for the person… which contradicts the true nature of their organic expression.

Fear is an illusory consciousness surrounding this Earth which can trigger the ego to act out of protection of the true nature. The more the ego part of the self initiates the lead in ones’ life, the less time the natural process of the person gets to “sync” up with the natural supportive forces surrounding them, and hence you have a form of conscious/unconscious separation which will result in less synchronistic experiences.

In my opinion, this is sad when this happens because your true nature has full access to the good truth of all things on your personal path. All the wisdom and effortless ways of creating your personal ideal life is in being true to one’s own nature and intimate with the beauty of all creation.

It’s been scientifically proven that everyone has an electrical charge. We all have an energy field and that energy field vibrates with a frequency. Individual frequencies are personal and as distinct as a fingerprint and yet just like when you hit a tuning fork and that vibrational frequency goes out from the instrument, the surrounding frequencies will change, align, and become more similar to that frequency which is most dominant in the surrounding field, hence, like attracts like and such (unless you are engaged with vampire-ic people). Our frequencies can and do change from moment to moment and over time.

It has been scientifically proven that when someone’s’ energy field is low, they will automatically draw energy from other beings (i.e. people, animals, plant life etc.) that are surrounding them. For example, this is why people with a lot of positive high energy oftentimes seem to draw those who have less. The higher the vibrational frequency of an individual the more lesser frequency people will be drawn. In part, this is because of the Universal Laws that support balance on this Earth.

Our vibrational frequency is important because the Law of Congruency is in place, what you vibrate is what you will attract for the most part. When you are practicing fear (by being fearful) your ego emerges and your vibration draws more of the same reasons to fear. Fear is a low vibration and keeps your energy field resonating on that level. The Law of Attraction is in place however strongly you are identifying with your ego and your true nature.

Because we are always being led towards balance and are equipped with a polarity as a human being, we will always struggle on some level between the ego and the true self. But when you can consciously allow your true authentic self to lead, and can perhaps be mindful about cultivating a lifestyle that supports your authentic nature, you will experience a more charged-up and refined vibrational frequency which will render more synchronistic events in your life. When life is synchronistic, you may very well feel like the Universe is not only working with you, but perhaps working.. in your favor!

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