

Post Hurricane Sandy... there are still many without electric and experiencing the loss and shock of being displaced and/or having a new reality of not being able to return to the comfort and safety of their own home. 

Yes there are resources in place to help and neighbors are reaching out, some who are unable to assist are home ... praying for those who's lives have been greatly re-directed. 
Everyone has the power to lend their greatest strength, spiritual connection, for the benefit of the whole. When you pray ... your focus refines, all else falls away... your state changes to an expansiveness; and in that moment you are connected with the greatest power of your Spirit in Faith to what you believe in.
Directing prayers... from this state of being changes particles of energy as it goes out and adds to the global consciousness of all those who are also praying/projecting that force of good. Because we are all spiritually connected receivers and transmitters of energy operating within the Spiritual Laws of Change and Progression, those prayers will assist the highest good of those the prayers are spoken for; and benefits the whole of all living beings on this Earth. 
Your prayers are not only resonating with those on this plane of existence, but also all planes of existence that resonate with the frequency of your intention. Your loved ones on the other side, Angelic forces... all beings that resonate with your intention will be congruent supporters/contributors of that intention... and consciousness as a whole.
I would like to ask you, the reader, to just take a moment now and pray... project your thought energy to support the highest and best outcome for all who have been greatly effected by the storm...
Don't be surprised if an overwhelming sense of peace and connectedness overcomes you as this is what I'm talking about. It feels good to share from your most deepest and strongest resource... your Spirit! When you pray... from your Spirit... and your intention is pure, all living beings will be affected by your prayers on some level. 
On another note ... all things change and grow through seasons and in that we often feel we have the illusion of "time" to do the things... and change the things in life.. that we built up that no longer serve who we are today; Devastation can seem cruel and abrupt but it also gives us an opportunity to re-build TODAY based on who we are today and what our true needs are today. Change through force of devastation can help us to realize we are supported, loved, and cared for. The best part is that we have an opportunity to acknowledge our own strength in times of change, and our vulnerability is not a weakness... but at the very core of our strength and connectedness.
 God Be With You
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