Words are very power-filled.. you are always co-creating your reality consciously and subconsciously... your "declarations" are living words of power.
Affirmations are an easy way to "declare", to your subconscious mind, that you are NOW ready to draw all opportunities and experiences that are in alignment with your current desired reality.
As you SEE your affirmation daily...  you easily impress your vibratory field (aura)...  Within THAT consciousness. Your affirmation is a REALITY you are visiting with your mind and all parts of your BE-ING.. every day.  When placing your affirmation in an area that you generally visit most of your day, YOU will become subconsciously aware of what you are declaring ... more and more over time. You Will be visiting your "desired reality" little by little until one day you REALIZE you have Fully embodied the consciousness YOU CHOSE TO EXPERIENCE.
As I always say, "positive change is always born of accumulative focused effort" using affirmations are a great way to gradually fertilize the soil of your being for those ready Soul Seeds to passionately grow and flourish.
Frame that affirmation and place it beside your bed. The first 30 minutes before you go to sleep,... and awaken from slumber... are the best times to view that reality/affirmation... as you drift off to sleep you will find yourself guided into dimensions of living your desired experience whether you remember or not. In the morning, looking at your affirmation helps to focus your subconscious mind throughout the day while you draw all the experiences that will validate your declaration.
Here's one of my affirmations I'd like to share with you...
"Every day in every Way I AM Consciously Choosing to Participate My Divine Energy for the Good of All That Is"  ~Samantha Paitakis
What's your affirmation? If you had to make one for your-self ... this very moment in time...  what would it be?
Bless your self with positive words, thoughts and acts, only then can you share this with others. xo

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